报告题目:Sustainable Packaging Solutions Based on Side Streams
报告人:Prof. Chunlin Xu,芬兰奥博学术大学教授

Dr. Chunlin Xu,芬兰奥博学术大学天然材料技术实验室(NMT)纤维和生物聚合物化学教授。毕业于芬兰奥博学术大学,之后在瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH)完成了两年的博士后研究,并在芬兰凯米拉(Kemira)公司拥有2年的工业界经验,致力于通过生物质创造创新和可持续价值的研究使命,研究内容涉及植物细胞壁成分的表征、生物质处理、生物聚合物化学,以及利用先进制造技术开发先进材料。已发表150多篇同行评审的论文、100多个会议论文集和摘要,并拥有2项专利。自2019年以来,他的研究已成功吸引了超过1000万欧元的资金支持(其中超过700万欧元为主持人),这些资金来自芬兰科学院、芬兰商业部、欧盟、其他基金会和工业界。
报告简介:Plastics are widely used for packaging and have brought up many societal benefits. Most of the plastic products are synthesized from petroleum-based building blocks and have an extremely short life time.This has generated tremendous amount of plastic wastes that have accumulated in the landfills, oceans, waterways, and other natural environment and further entered into animal and humans bodies, threatening our health. Forest biorefinery conept has recently been developed to provide fiber and biopolymers that are renewable and sustainable alternatives to the petroleum-based building blocks. This seminar will demonstrate how recent activities within NMT at Abo Akademi University can contribute towards achieving sustainable packaging.